DCFS Mandated ReporterUse this form when a report is made to The Department of Children and Family Services hotline and the report was taken by a worker:
DCFS Mandated Form
Complete all requested information on the form and mail ORIGINAL to:
1619 West Jefferson St
Joliet, IL 60435
Send a copy of the form to:
State Central Registrar
Illinois Dept of Children and Family Services
406 East Monroe St.
Springfield, IL 62701
Maintain a copy for your record.
A statement will be returned to you at a later date stating if the report you made was “indicated” or “unfounded” based upon the results of the investigation.
DCFS Mandated Form
Complete all requested information on the form and mail ORIGINAL to:
1619 West Jefferson St
Joliet, IL 60435
Send a copy of the form to:
State Central Registrar
Illinois Dept of Children and Family Services
406 East Monroe St.
Springfield, IL 62701
Maintain a copy for your record.
A statement will be returned to you at a later date stating if the report you made was “indicated” or “unfounded” based upon the results of the investigation.