Resources for Parents
Below is a list of web sites that may be beneficial to parents/students with special needs.
General information
General information
- Model Wellness Policy
- Addiction Center – Addiction Treatment Resources
- Education Rights and Responsibilities – Understanding Special Education in Illinois
- Easter Seals : Organization offering services and support or those living with disabilities.
- Family Resource Center on Disabilities
- Family Support Network of Illinois
- Illinois Life Span : Statewide information and referral resource for advocacy and service systems for individuals with disabilities
- Illinois State Board of Education
- National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities : Information on disabilities, IDEA, No Child Left Behind and information on effective educational practices
- National Mental Health Association : non-profit organization addressing all aspects of mental health
- Pacer Center : non-profit organization servicing children/youth with disabilities
- Parent Pals : a website where professionals and parents share information, articles and links on a wide range of disabilities
- The Alliance for Technology Access : a national network of assistive technology resource centers, individual and organizational associates and technology venders/developers.
- The Arc of Illinois : Website dedicated to assisting residents of Illinois with developmental disabilities
- The Will-Grundy Center for Independent Living
- The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
- Wrightslaw Yellow Pages for Kids : A web site that can help locate government programs, parent support groups, educational specialists, tutors, therapists etc. in your state
- Saint Joseph’s University : The Digital Healthcare Environment
- Microsoft TechNet : Digital Healthcare Information
- Title IX Information
- The Autism Program : A network of resources for Autism Spectrum Disorders in the state of Illinois
- Spectrum Training Systems, Inc : Information on conferences and workshops
- The Family Resiliency Center : The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Human and Community Development
- The Illinois Early Childhood Intervention Clearinghouse : provides information resources related to early childhood intervention for the state of Illinois
- Autism Society of America
- Autism Society of Illinois : Resources and information about Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Autism Speaks : Information on research into the causes and treatments of Autism Spectrum Disorder
- ZAC Browser : a FREE web browser designed specifically for autistic children to help them navigate the internet more effectively
- The Asperger’s Disorder Home Page
- The U.S. Autism and Asperger Association : non profit organization providing information and advice
- The International Rett’s Syndrome Foundation
- Rett’s Syndrome Research Foundation
- Rett’s Syndrome Association of Illinois
- SAMSHA’s National Mental Health Information Center
- Pacer Centers Kids Against Bullying : a simple, game-based web site for young children
- Pendulum : a non-profit source providing information and support for those with Bi-Polar Disorder
- The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- The American Psychological Association
- The National Association of the Deaf
- The Hearing Loss Association of America
- The American Society for Deaf Children
- Born 2 Sign : a free web site with short signing video clips
- Illinois Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission
- Illinois Families for Hands and Voices
- The Learning Disabilities Association of America
- The National Center for Learning Disabilities
- LD Online : articles and resources for those with learning disabilities
- The International Dyslexia Association
- CHADD – Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
- Attention Deficit Disorder Association
- United Cerebral Palsy Association
- Muscular Dystrophy Association
- Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy
- Spina Bifida Association
- The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- : Several free, on-line speech therapy activities
- Speaking of Speech : a web site for SLP’s and teachers to share tips, ideas and techniques
- The Cleft Palate Foundation
- The Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association of North America
- Cornerstone Services: Organization offering employment services, residential supports, counseling and integration service to individuals with disabilities.
- Trinity Services, Inc: Programs and services include adult learning, community living and employment services.
- Social Security Online: The official website of the US Social Security Administration
- Will-Grundy Transition Planning Committee: A consortium of schools, agencies and not-for-profit organizations working to improve the transition from high school to adulthood.
- The American Foundation for the Blind
- Lighthouse International : non-profit organization helping individuals overcome the challenges of vision loss
- National Federation of the Blind
- Optometrists Network – Children Special : a sub-site of the Optometrist Network website with information on children with visual needs.