Per the Illinois State Board of Education and Public Act 102-0339, ( "schools shall provide parents and guardians with the following information"
Restraint/Time-Out Parent Bill of Rights
- A copy of the standards for when isolated time out, time out and physical restraint can be used
- The Illinois Administrative Code (23 IAC 1.285) states the following: 7 “Isolated time out, time out, and physical restraint, as defined in this Section, shall be used only when the student's behavior presents an imminent danger of serious physical harm to the student or others and other less restrictive and intrusive measures have been tried and proven ineffective in stopping the imminent danger of serious physical harm. Isolated time out, time out, or physical restraint shall not be used as discipline or punishment, convenience for staff, retaliation, a substitute for appropriate educational or behavioral support, a routine safety matter, or to prevent property damage in the absence of imminent danger of serious physical harm to the student or others.”
- Information about the rights of parents, guardians and students (procedural safeguards)
- Procedural Safeguards
- Information about the parent's or guardian's right to file a complaint with the State Superintendent of Education and the complaint process
- The State RTO complaint and investigation process is a procedure where a person submits a signed, written complaint alleging that the school district has violated one or more of the restraint and/or time out regulations found in 23 IAC 1.285.
Any parent or guardian, individual, organization, or advocate may file a signed written complaint with the State Superintendent alleging that a school district or other entity serving the child has violated 23 IAC 1.285. The complaint shall only be considered for review if it alleges a violation not more than one (1) year prior to the date in which the complaint is received. - English Form:
- Spanish Form:
- Signed State RTO Complaints may be mailed scanned and sent via email to the following:
The Illinois State Board of Education
Student Care Department
100 North First Street
Springfield, Illinois 62777-0001
[email protected]
- The State RTO complaint and investigation process is a procedure where a person submits a signed, written complaint alleging that the school district has violated one or more of the restraint and/or time out regulations found in 23 IAC 1.285.
- GCSEC Behavioral Procedures & Safeguards
Restraint/Time-Out Parent Bill of Rights